Original Resolution: 720x405 Costumes To Unlock In Control Control Guide Gamepressure Com Want to change how jesse faden looks in control? 602x493 - These side missions can offer a good amount of rewards that can help you level up, get outfits, and get ability points.
Original Resolution: 602x493 Do K Pop Idols Choose The Outfits They Wear Onstage Quora So far, we're aware of seven outfits that jesse can wear, though i'm not able to get one because. 160x341 - Control side quests guide is here to help you with side mission of the game and how to complete them and activate them.
Original Resolution: 160x341 Control Ultimate Edition How To Unlock All Outfits With Pictures Gamesgds Once you're there, open up the control point menu and head down to this will open up the outfit menu, allowing you to see which outfits you've unlocked and how jesse looks in them. 1100x825 - Control is out now and features a number of different outfits that protagonist jesse faden can wear.
Original Resolution: 1100x825 Times Students And Parents Said School Dress Codes Went Too Far Insider For the most part, these outfits are rewarded as rewards for completing specific in this guide we'll explain how to get all the outfits in control and what missions and objectives you need to complete to get them.